Hello & Welcome!

I’m so glad you’re here.

What if I told you, you were powerful beyond measure.
Would you believe me?

While I’m sure there is a cacophony of denials and justifications that you aren’t. There is a part of you that knows differently. And it is only when you get quiet and still that you can hear that deep knowing of truth.

The Spark Inside

Embodied experiences, community connections and human potential.

For women who want to shed their corporate armour, reclaim their power and reignite their spark.

For the Divine inside all of us.

let her shine

You are beautiful, magical and unique.

That is what makes the world so wonderful. Sometimes though, our experiences, emotions and thinking limit our potential. Our inner critic with the tyranny of ‘shoulds’…

Imagine instead a world where you could …

We’d love to join you on your journey home to yourself.

What are you waiting for?

Why me?

I’m interested in your alchemy and have a deep desire to serve, born of my own becoming.
Supporting you in the uncomfortable messiness of the journey to wholeness. Holding your hand and your heart as you dive deep into your inner world, meeting what you find there with compassion.
Sharing in the joys as you release old patterns, hurts and heal scars. And the realisation that this is the gateway to your own power.

So here I am

Such kind words ...

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